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Drug and metal-free technology reducing the risk of promoting bacterial resistance

Peter Hentschel appointed as Chairman at CytaCoat


CytaCoat AB, developers of the unique CytaCoat anti-microbial coating technology, have appointed Peter Hentschel as Chairman.

Healthcare associated infections are one of the biggest problems facing global healthcare

Millions of people are affected by healthcare associated infections annually. The root cause is colonisation and formation of microbial biofilms on the surface of medical devices that are in contact with patients. These biofilms are not accessible to antibiotics or the patient’s immune system, and are reservoirs and entryways of bacteria to the organism causing suffering and life-threatening infections. The extra cost for healthcare systems around the world is amounting to billions in unplanned care. Even worse, the overuse of antibiotics leads to an increased risk for the spread of multi-resistant bacteria. Read more

A new strategy to prevent HAIs associated with the use of medical devices

Unlike silver and antibiotic eluting technologies, CytaCoat’s coating is stable and not based on leakage of an active substance. By preventing bacteria from adhering to the medical device used during treatment, biofilm development is inhibited, potentially protecting patients from developing an infection. The coating may be applied to medical devices in various areas such as, Urinary Tract Infections, Wound Infections, Blood Infections and Ventilator Associated Pneumonia, offering a cost-effective solution to a significant healthcare problem. Read more

CytaCoat’s coating repels bacteria avoiding biofilm formation

Our technology employs a cysteine ligand that inhibit bacterial adherence of the surface. The ligand is bound through a linker to a polyacrylic acid backbone forming a surface layer that is covalently bound to the medical device This strong chemical bond prevents the release of components with potential toxic or accumulation effects in the patient. This avoids the use of antibiotics and the ability of bacteria to develop resistance. The proprietary technology has a broad antimicrobial spectrum, including multi-drug resistant bacterial strains (MRSA, ESBL) as well as other clinically relevant strains… Read more

“The introduction of CytaCoat is a new method to prevent nosocomial infections. It may lead to less use of antibiotics against more and more resistant bacteria. I think this is a shift of paradigm to prevent infections in the neonatal wards. “

– Hugo Lagercratz, KOL, Senior Professor of Pediatrics and Neonatology Karolinska Institute, Former director of the Neonatal programme at the Astrid Lindgren Children’s Hospital, Former member of the Nobel Assembly

CytaCoat news

Poster presentation at EuroBioFilms 2024

Poster presentation at EuroBioFilms 2024

Poster presentation at EuroBioFilms 2024 Linda Bergström (Program Manager and QA/RA) and Dr Ana Romero (Scientific Advisor) attended the EuroBioFilms 2024 conference in Copenhagen from 26th to 29th June and presented CytaCoat’s...

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CytaCoat AB, Maria Aspmans gata 44A, 171 64 Solna SWEDEN | E-mail info@cytacoat.se

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